Each of our students have a unique transcript. Learn more about the various types of transcripts and how to request a transcript.

The following link will take you to the NC Community College (NCCCS) website. All high school equivalent transcripts are housed in the NCCCS repository. Scroll to the middle of the page and click on “Records & Transcripts.”

If you finished high school at 在线电子游戏网赌 after leaving your original high school, please complete the Adult High School Transcript Request form and email, fax, or mail to the indicated address. 

If you took personal enrichment classes (ex. cake decorating or digital photography), please complete the Personal Enrichment & Short-Term Training Transcript Request form and email, fax, or mail to the indicated address. 

If you took classes toward a degree, diploma, or certificate that you need to send to another college or an employer, you will need to order a curriculum transcript.

An official curriculum transcript is a copy of a student's entire curriculum level academic record for Central Carolina Community College. In recognition of the confidentiality of student records, an official transcript will be released only at the request of the student, except under due process of the law. Central Carolina Community College retains the right to not issue an official transcript under the following circumstances: (1) the student owes an outstanding balance to the college, or (2) the student owes outstanding materials to the college.

Curriculum transcripts may be requested in person or online.

To request a transcript in person, please visit the Student Records and Registrar's Office at 1105 Kelly Drive, Sanford, NC, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday– Thursday or 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Fridays. Summer hours may vary. In-person requests will be charged a $5 fee for each transcript requested. Please bring a picture ID when picking up your transcript.

To request a transcript online, please use the link below. Your Central Carolina student ID number is required for this service, not your social security number. If you place an order without using your student ID number, the order will be canceled. Please contact the Student Records and Registrar's Office at (919) 718-7201 to obtain your student ID number. Online requests will be charged a $4 fee for each transcript and must be paid with a debit/credit card. All online transcript fees are collected by a third-party agency that provides the transcript management and certification system. Through this service, students can order:

  • Paper transcript sent via USPS first-class mail
  • Electronic transcript that is delivered to any valid email address as a secure PDF

NOTE: For students that attended prior to 1997, electronic transcripts may not be available. Please contact Madison Williams via email at mwill902@365dafa6.com to inquire before placing an order.

Students wishing to order end-of-term transcripts, please wait two days after the semester has ended to submit your request. Students waiting for degrees to be posted, please submit your request after graduation.

The Student Records and Registrar's Office will process orders within one to two business days, but once it is processed–it is delivered!

Order Curriculum Transcript (only) Online Now

在线电子游戏网赌 Electronic Transcript Policy (E-transcripts)

Central Carolina Community College certifies that an electronic transcript (e-transcript) issued by AVOW Systems as an official college transcript. The acceptability of an e-transcript will be determined by the receiving institution/recipient in accordance with their policies and procedures.

Acceptance of Electronic Transcripts for Admission Purposes

Central Carolina Community College will accept electronic transcripts for admissions purposes if the following criteria are met regarding the transcript:

  • The transcript is certified as official from the college using a third-party agency for the certification process. Approved agencies include Parchment, Docufide, National Student Clearinghouse, Scribbles, and Scrip-Safe.
  • The transcript must be a PDF-certified document that has no indication of tampering.
  • A college official must receive the transcript from an approved e-transcript service. 在线电子游戏网赌 will not accept forwarded transcripts from unaffiliated college sources unless it has been preapproved by the Student Records and Registrar's Office.
  • 在线电子游戏网赌 has the right to refuse electronic transcripts or request additional information if there is a question about the authenticity of the document.
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